后妈 Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is英语剧本10人版短剧小学生! 指了指四周后妈女儿1 Yes, and so many fruits用手指点水果Wow, I like them 吃水果后妈女儿2打开衣柜,翻翻看看 Mum, look;The Musicians of Bremen布莱梅的音乐家 英语剧本10人版短剧小学生我小学的剧本,望采纳 开幕幕边台词Hey,everybody, This is our morning exercise time Let’s dance! 各动物出场两只猪两只牛一匹马一只驴,一起跳舞。
7人英文话剧花木兰 Mulan SummaryLong time ago, there was a war in China The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before However, the king of the nation didnMum, Ieithteen years old, so I will leave this family妈妈,我十八岁了,我要离开这个家了Mum All right, but please see me at times This is a bottle of drink, a piece of dry bread Re;孔雀东南飞英文搞笑话剧Wanderseveryfivemiles 焦仲卿JohnnyJforshort刘兰芝LunchLforshort焦母Johnny’smotherJMforshort刘母Lunch’smotherLMforshort太守之子Mayor’ssonMSforshort强盗BurglarsABandCPro。
英语短剧剧本 篇1 角色小兔小狗小猴山羊 characters haredogmonkeygoat 画外音小兔子肚子饿了,她想找些东西吃找呀,找了半天忽然发现小路边的地里长着一根萝卜 兔啊,一个萝卜!一个大萝卜!我把它拔出来。
ACT 1 灰姑娘背对着观众,拿着拖把拖地,身体夸张地跟着音乐律动,再拿起鸡毛掸子清理,后母走出来,刚好清理到她的身边Stepmother Cinderella, what are you doing? 生气地Cinderella Mum, your dress is a;Uncle Zhao No matter Waiter!英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money Scene1At Salesman’s homeN In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them t;Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物T唐僧 S孙悟空 E猪八戒 J沙僧 B白骨精 B1B变成的村姑 B2B变成的太婆 B3B变化成的老头 N哪吒 T Emitofo,do you know where we are now?S Bajie,map!E。
标签: 短剧 英语 剧本 后妈 小学生 英文 两只 话剧 哪吒 太守 英语剧本10人版短剧小学生 英语剧本10人版简单短剧视频