build your own house,but be careful of the wolf三只小猪goodbye,mum旁白three pigs leaved their motherafter a while they met a man with a bundle of strawPig one “Please, grandpa, give me that。
英语的电视剧 Indexhtml 空中英语,BBC,VOA 等。
Well,well ,very well 一天一天长大拉三只小猪情景剧剧本!三只小猪三只小猪英语剧本The Story of the Three Little Pigs 旁白There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she。
quot第一只小猪乐得欢蹦乱跳 第二只小猪跑到山上砍下许多木头回来,锯成木板木条,叮叮当当地敲个不停不久,第二只小猪也盖好三只小猪情景剧剧本了自己的木房子显然这比第一只小猪的要漂亮结实得多 第三只小猪回到家左思右想。
Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Mother pig You have grown up You must make 猪妈妈你们已经长大了,你们得 your own houses 为自己盖间房Goodbye, little pigs Build a house 再见,孩子们去盖间房Be。
标签: 小猪 三只 剧本 英语 情景剧 一只 旁白 间房 自己的 木房 三只小猪情景剧剧本 三只小猪情景剧剧本小学六年级