

英语短剧The Fox and the Tiger狐假虎威TTiger FFox RRabbit BBird FrFrog BBear Tiger I’m a great tiger I’m very strong I’m very brave I’m the king of the。

丑小鸭 It was a lovely summer day in the country Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time After a while, one by one, ducklings came out ofthe eggsDucklings Peep, peep Mother Duck Quack。

丑小鸭童话剧剧本class="view-image" href="http://www.319.ink/zb_users/upload/printer/20240614/6488bed8c1d74.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery" title="儿童英语情景剧丑小鸭剧本(经典英语剧本5人版短剧丑小鸭)">

Narrator 1 Mummy duck has seven eggs in the nestNarrator 2 She is very happyMummy duck One, two, three, four, five, six little yellow ducklings But one egg is different It’s big儿童英语情景剧丑小鸭剧本! It’s gr。

Father Duck How cute they are! Look,one moreMother Duck One more left! ItbiggerThe next dayThe egg still didnhatchUgly duckling Hi!Ducklings HeuglyFather Duck Who are you儿童英语情景剧丑小鸭剧本?Mot。

丑小鸭英文After a swan egg was hatched by a duck in its steamed dumpling, it was regarded as an ugly duckling because of its distinctive appearance Therefore, since the eggshell climbed out, it was beaten。

标签: 丑小鸭 剧本 短剧 英语 儿童英语 情景剧 经典 狐假虎威 英文 童话剧 儿童英语情景剧丑小鸭剧本 经典英语剧本5人版短剧丑小鸭
