





中间文字 建议小说乱码 过原创妥妥的 前后记得不要留有(1)、老师批改作业一丝不苟,连一个逗号标错也被挑出来,而且还扣分。 (1) the teacher corrected the homework meticulously, even a comma was picked out and the score was deducted. (2)、从事医药研究的人,一定要有一丝不苟的精神,……纸上错一笔无干大雅,医理上错一着人命攸关。 (2) people engaged in medical research must be meticulous A mistake on paper is nothing but elegance. A mistake on medical theory is a matter of life. (3)、一丝不苟:陈老师无论做什么事情都是那么认真负责,一丝不苟。 (3) meticulous: no matter what Mr. Chen does, he is so conscientious and meticulous. (4)、温暖是飘飘洒洒的春雨;温暖是写在脸上的笑影;温暖是义无反顾的响应;温暖是一丝不苟的配合。 (4) warmth is the spring rain; warmth is the smile on the face; warmth is the response without hesitation; warmth is the meticulous cooperation. (5)、首届贝时璋青年生物物理学家奖获得者孙飞研究员表示,贝老严谨治学、一丝不苟的精神值得青年学者进一步继承和发扬。 (5) researcher Sun Fei, winner of the first Bei Shizhang young biophysicist award, said that his rigorous and meticulous spirit is worthy of further inheritance and development by young scholars. (6)、他突然在工具书架前驻足,一丝不苟地搜寻一本电脑书,认真的眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒,她不由得怦然心动。 (6) he suddenly stops in front of the tool bookshelf, meticulously searching for a computer book. Her serious eyes are shining with wisdom, and she cant help beating her heart. (7)、俗话说的好严师出高徒嘛,张老师很严厉的,早晨一进教室总能看见她在一丝不苟的观察所有读书的同学,不读和读不好的同学就会被留在放学的时候在读! (7) as the saying goes, a good teacher is a good apprentice. Mr. Zhang is very strict. As soon as she enters the classroom in the morning, she can always see her observing all the students who are reading carefully. If she doesnt read or cant read well, she will be left reading after school!上

标签: 不苟 都是 温暖 剧本 我爱 结局 读懂 自己的 的人 笑影 舍离剧本杀解析免费 完整答案复盘
